Dms International, water consumption reduced by 60 percent

DMS INTERNATIONAL, based in Montecchio Maggiore-based company, which specializes in the manufacture and sale of finishing machines for tanning, will offer important new products at Tanning Tech in Milan

At the Tanning Tech show, scheduled to take place at the Milan Fairgrounds Sept. 20-22, one of the featured companies will be DMS of Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza), which specializes in the production and sale of finishing machines for tanning, and will bring to the market important innovations related to the reduction of energy and water consumption.
“On the occasion of the trade fair event,” specifies Dario Rubbo, co-owner together with Diego Cailotto of the company, founded in 1997 and present on the market with the double brand DMS ITALIA and DMS INTERNATIONAL, which we interviewed during the ProssimaPelle event in Santa Croce sull’Arno, “At the stand we will exhibit the RC PAINT 1800 model, belonging to the range of padding machines for roller finishing of leathers. Important changes are planned, for those who will visit us, we want it to be a surprise, I can tell you that we have worked in a profound way, focusing on reducing energy and water consumption. We are very satisfied with the work done, according to calculations made by one of our customers who has this machinery we have reduced the consumption for washing water by 60%. In recent years the word ‘green’ is used a lot, for us the key aspects are discharges and emissions, which translate into obvious savings, and how important it has become in light of the cost increase of raw materials.”
“At the Milan Fair,” adds Rubbo, “we will exhibit a new European patent, an important showcase for the foreign market, which is expected to guarantee greater growth margins in the coming years. At the Fair we expect above all foreign operators, especially those from South America, an area that along with Europe is the one that is experiencing the greatest recovery this year. The Asian market, still grappling with restrictions related to the health pandemic, remains to be evaluated, but we count on seeing those from the East in Milan as well.”
The owner of DMS INTERNATIONAL, a brand that in the days leading up to Tanning Tech will also be featured at EuroCongress, scheduled to take place at Fiera di Vicenza, where he will present an innovative project, he expresses his optimism about economic recovery in the tanning sector. “During the summer,” Rubbo concludes, “the availability of raw materials improved, although we have not yet returned to the situation of normality. The hope is that this will happen when work resumes after the August break: we are confident, if components and materials arrive, we will be able to resume at a good pace because we already have a good order package, so there will be the possibility of working at full capacity, delivering the machinery that has been requested.”