Syn-Bios, background and expertise, the secret of success

The Montebello Vicentino-based chemical company, which this year will celebrate 35 years in business, has always invested in its in-house laboratories to offer innovative and cutting-edge products: the sustainability challenge has been won

“In the market, which has become even more selective in recent years, it is essential to be at the forefront and offer innovative products, but this is only possible through continuous and substantial investments on R&D, which we have always carried out.” This is the secret of success, which over the years has turned into an unceasing growth, according to Enrico Gastaldello, owner, together with his father Daniele (founder of the company in 1988), of SYN-BIOS SPA, a chemical industry based in in Montebello Vicentino that ranks among its customers the best tanning companies, not only in the Arzignano district, but all over the world. SYN-BIOS SPA, which this year will celebrate its 35th anniversary, has recorded steady growth over time and has presented several new products in the last two years, managing to further improve the process and product system.
“In this sector – Enrico Gastaldello told us during an interview held at the beginning of 2023 in the company’s headquarters – first of all, it is essential to always keep longstanding relationships with companies, especially in a difficult moment like the current one: to follow each customers carefully and customizing products according to their needs when needed. In the end, professionalism and seriousness still pay off and provide protection and respect. Our business strategy is to regularly offer innovative products, even if nowadays new products can be seen as reason for concern for customers compared to standardized articles. It is by making certain daring choices, often daring ones, that we can acquire new market shares and enter new countries. In Italy and abroad, SYN-BIOS SPA is a synonym for quality assurence: we are lucky to have a hard core of customers for decades, who have never thought to change supplier, particularly on the most sensitive product segments.”

Enrico Gastaldello

Which kind of products have you innovated the most in recent times?
“In the last two years, the work on pigments has been very significant, that usually distinguished us on the market. We are strongly specialized in this; in particular, 2022 was an important year because we launched pigments used in the automotive industry, which have the advantage of being reflective to sunlight and therefore to heat.”
R&D activities are important in the balance sheet of innovative chemical companies: do customers appreciate the innovations?
“Fortunately, even in our sector people is increasingly accepting innovation, I notice an ever-growing number of customers who want to be constantly updated in this sense. Our guarantees linked to compliance with the regulations, which are always evolving, are essential; we are at the forefront in this field and often, as is known, we have obtained the certifications even well before the actual practical need.”
35-year history is a great accomplishment: how have you managed the growth?
“Our experience says that seriousness always pays off in the end, it’s not just a way of saying. We are aware that we have reached the highest levels, in terms of product and sustainability, our customers confirm that. Boasting an in-house high-level of expertise, we are always able to guarantee safe and performing products. In our case, unceasing innovation combined with constancy guarantee have been our core values for decades.”
How can we define the current economic situation?
“We are living in a delicate moment for a series of reasons linked to external phenomena, as we all sadly know. In 2022, characterized by the increase in energy and raw material costs, we too had to necessarily adjust the price lists, but despite this we have not lost any customers, who have been very understanding and cooperative. As regards to raw materials in the chemical sector, the last year was dramatic due to the increases, often consecutive, of basic products, something that never happened before. We hope that 2023 will see a drop in energy costs, the conditions are there.”
How are you implementing product innovation in terms of sustainability?
“Our decision to focus heavily on Metal-Free pigments, which are in great demand on the market, has paid off a lot: undoubtedly, for the tanning industries, attention to the environment and sustainable production processes are highly topical issues, and fortunately the market is rewarding suppliers also on the basis of these, now essential, characteristics. In the company we cared very much about this aspect; since the beginning of the year, we are also positioning a large photovoltaic system at our HQ, which will allow us to be almost energy- independent. In a future-looking perspective, sustainability is fundamental. For SYN-BIOS SPA, the 3rd level ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) certification then represented a major step in growth: we were the first non- multinational chemical company ever to boast this achievement, obtained back in September 2021. The main mission of ZDHC is, as known, to reduce the chemical footprint of the clothing and footwear sector, gradually phasing out hazardous chemicals and driving towards the implementation and diffusion of sustainable chemistry.”
How much is the ZDHC certification important for SYN-BIOS SPA?
“The 3rd level in particular represents excellence, it’s a very complex goal to achieve, as you need to demonstrate great professionalism and utmost control management. Infinite details about the purchased products, the internal processes and so on are required. Until few years ago, the ZDHC certification was considered a habit, while from this year tanneries started to specifically asking for the 3rd level of the ZDHC, a very important signal on the quality and sustainability dynamics. It means that an important path has been taken, certainly there is no turning back.”