Bergi, cleanliness is essential for the quality of the leather

BERGI, headquartered in Arzignano (Vicenza - Italy) has designed a series of dedusting machine, with several variants, which are positioned or installed in front of or behind the machines

Cleanliness is essential for the quality of the leather. Based on this concept, it is strategic for those who work in this sector, Bergi SpA of Arzignano, a leader in the sector of design, construction and sale of machinery and equipment for the tanning industry, has designed a series of dedusting machines which are, or even installed, in front of or behind various operating machines.
“For such a long time – explains Leonardo Bergozza, Sales & Marketing of Bergi SpA, who represents the third generation of the family, as the company was founded in 1965 by his grandfather Giovanni and now being led by his father Mauro and his uncles Alberto and Federico – we have been committed to this: we can say that we have opened a real battle against dust. One wonders how many times, during leather processing, its quality and value have been downgraded due to dust. During certain times of the year, dust represents a real issue for those who work with leather. Not to mention the problem of static electricity which sometimes just doesn’t allow you to work. This topic, seen from the outside, may appear trivial, but it is instead considerably important, especially when aiming for high quality.”
In the tannery there are many types of powders, starting with buffing dust, the most common, but also flesh-side fiber dust and environmental dust. “To date – continues Leonardo – we have developed five variants of the Ariosa model air dedusting machine, especially conceived for the dust coming off the buffing machines. It features from 3 to 6 blowing heads and, to a greater number, suction heads. At the inlet or outlet of the dedusting machine in some cases we suggest the application of a rotating brush to loosen the deeply set dust. Usually, when buying a buffing and dedusting line, we tend to underestimate secondary aspects such as the type of blower, the distance between the machines and the suction system, the diameter of the suction pipes, the presence of curves, the difference in altitude and more: these are all factors that determine the success of leather cleansing.”
“That’s why when buying a buffing line or a single dedusting machine, it is good to know right from the beginning where it will be positioned and where the suction system will be located. It is clear that the closer they are to each other, the easier the dimensional calculation is. On the other hand, however, if you intend to install a spark detection system in the intake air pipes, you need to calculate the air speed, and place an automatic damper at a suitable distance from the detector to stop the air flow and does not allow the spark to enter the dust collector: this distance is always greater than 20 linear meters.”
“For the flesh-side fiber dust that usually comes out of the rubbing – adds the Sales & Marketing of Bergi SpA – our technical office has designed a series of dedusters that are positioned, or even installed, in front of or behind different machines. In this sense there are many options based on the machinery: behind the staking machine before stacking leathers, in front of the spray finishing line, a rollercoating machine or a press to iron the finished or intermediate embossing. Fixed or mobile dedusting machine according to customer needs, confirming our ability to always find the best solution for each case.”
“For environmental dust, the solution is usually the same as the one just mentioned: this is normally created by an incorrect use of some processing phases, such as for example the operator who introduces the hides on a finishing line or on an ironing / embossing press and with a jet of compressed air, constantly blowing the hides, moving the dust from the leather in his hand but moving it to another part of the environment to then systematically return to the starting point. There are also specific systems for the recirculation of the air in the room with collection filters and low energy impact motors. All this must be treated after careful on-site consultancy so as not to risk a half- investment. Our advice, but this also applies to the machinery and the various components, it is always to choose the best solution to ensure utmost efficiency.”
The latest analysis, through the voice of the owner Mauro Bergozza, concerns the budget for the year that has just ended and the prospects for 2023. “Overall, 2022 – as Mauro pointed out – was certainly a positive year given the general situation, even if it was difficult due to the discontinuous supplies and the increases over the months. There is a lot of confidence for the current year, also given the excellent start at the order backlog level in the month of January. As for international exhibitions in the sector, we will be participating in the Dubai fair in March and in Tanning Tech (Milan fair) in September, where we will launch a new machine.”