The Open-Houses organ by Galli keep on taking place in Europe and the United States

Galli Spa, a leading company in the leather goods technology sector, keeps on following its path of strategic expansion by successfully organizing some important Open-houses in Europe and America, events that have proved to be an essential component in providing customers with in-depth knowledge of the most innovative technologies in the sector offered by the company. These Open-houses make it possible to deal with customers in a more structured way, allowing for better organization of work and offering more attention and time to illustrate the corporate culture and goals, as well as to find personalized solutions to requests through direct contact. The latest were held in the Ubrique leather goods district in Spain and in Texas, United States: the very positive feedback further convinced the company this is the right choice in terms of approach. In Spain, the event was possible thanks to the collaboration of an exclusive dealer, Paco Bazán S.L; on the other hand, it was Galli’s first experience in creating an Open-house in Texas, thus confirming the growing importance of this initiative, held in collaboration with Campbell Randall Machinery.
Looking to the future, the Pavia-based company has confirmed that it will organize another Open-house in Italy by the end of the year and plans to schedule new ones next year, both in Italy and in other countries such as France, the United States and Mexico, thus extending its global reach.