Giovanna Ceolini confirmed as President of Assocalzaturifici

Sustainability, digitalization, innovation, Made in Italy, and tertiary as drivers for the development of the sector, with a focus on training to make footwear an attractive sector for young people. These are the guidelines until June 2027, of Giovanna Ceolini, who was confirmed as President of Assocalzaturifici by the Assembly of members that met yesterday.

With more than 450 member companies, the Association, nationally represents companies of an industrial nature operating in the footwear manufacturing sector.
“It is indeed with great emotion,” Giovanna Ceolini comments, “that I face this mandate of mine. We have a challenging job ahead of us. We have to respond to a conjuncture that is not easy, in a geopolitical framework dominated by uncertainty, with initiatives and projects that support our companies in international markets. Today, more than ever, it is important to put the interests of the industry, and therefore our Association, back at the center. We can do this by returning to frank and constructive dialogue and confrontation. In this I will not be alone, but supported by a team composed of professionals of undoubted value.”

Joining the President were Giuseppe Baiardo, Vice President for Training and Orientation, Luisa Benigno, Vice President for Business Culture and Productive Strategies, Giuseppe Camerlengo Vice President for International Affairs, and Valentino Fenni Vice President for Russia, C.S.I. Area and Made in Italy.

Giovanna Ceolini, highlighted the most salient aspects of her program, from internationalization, to the promotion of Made in Italy footwear in the world, consolidating mature markets and seeking new opportunities in emerging ones, to the collaboration with the main technical institutes and professional schools to encourage generational turnover. Other objectives include the enhancement of third-party companies, better known as CDMOs (contract development and manufacturing organizations), to defend the traditional craftsmanship of Italian manufacturing. Profuse support is also given to trade fair policies starting with MICAM Milan, the world’s most important event in the sector. Among the projects in the pipeline are the reorganization of the pavilions, the strengthening of the MICAMX area, with a focus on seminar content, the section dedicated to the retail of the future, communication and events. There will be no shortage of consolidation of CIMAC, a laboratory specializing in testing for the footwear and fashion industry, which ensures product quality and excellence and compliance with global standards. In fact a support to companies, in an increasingly complex regulatory framework, through testing and certification services. And then, development of VCS – Verified and Certified Steps, the first sustainability certification mark for the footwear industry. A scheme that sensitizes companies to the adoption of a comprehensive sustainability strategy by working on internal processes, supply chain traceability, information collection and organization with a system of procedures for improvement and advancement against the most widespread international sustainability parameters and standards.