DESMA House Fair returns on 24 and 25 September 2024

DESMA Schuhmaschinen GmbH invites the international footwear industry to its House Fair on 24 and 25 September 2024 - More than 50 international co-exhibitors and around 800 guests are expected

DESMA Schuhmaschinen GmbH, global provider of a product portfolio of manufacturing and processing machinery for industrial footwear production, invites the international footwear industry to Achim once again. On 24 and 25 September 2024, the major players in the global footwear business will get together to share knowledge about the latest technologies under the motto “Pioneering. Together.” The event will offer a comprehensive programme of technical lectures, presentations, live demonstrations of tried-and-trusted DESMA technologies and services as well as the latest innovations.

Sustainable footwear production
Sustainability plays an increasingly important role at the House Fair. DESMA particle dosing, for instance, is a new development which adds the aspect of sustainability to round off our direct soling technology. The addition of granulated production waste or functional additives, for example, reduces both the amount of production waste as well as the consumption of material components while simultaneously increasing the functionality of the produced footwear. Manufacturers can use DESMA direct soling technology together with supporting automation solutions to produce shoes precisely and in consistent processes, thus not only improving efficiency and cost effectiveness, but also saving resources and reducing environmental impact.
Visitors to the House Fair can find out more about these processes and other pioneering DESMA methods in the course of live demonstrations on site. DESMA automation solutions help to control production costs and reduce the impact of labour costs on the finished product. They also enable producers to reduce material consumption, improve working conditions and raise the general quality level. DESMA robot and automation solutions are based on the experience of more than 1,500 installed robotics and automation solutions installed worldwide.

Customisation and artificial intelligence
The trend towards customisation and individual footwear production continues unabated. The absolute benchmark is a “lot size of one pair” that has to be produced economically and efficiently. DESMA’s breakthrough technology multi section injection (MSI©) makes it possible to change the physical properties of a midsole by injecting segmented material into different areas to achieve different properties, such as varying hardness from section to section.
Design is also an important criterion. Artificial intelligence (AI) can add dynamics to the creative process, facilitate visualisation and enhance the sophistication of the design. DESMA offers a range of tools that can be used in accordance with the customer’s wishes and ideas. Different mouldmaking systems such as “Centre Wedge” and “DESwing” enlarge the available design options and/or the range of features for multi-coloured soles in the subsequent production processes.

Digitisation, service and maintenance
A consistently high level of efficiency is essential if industrial footwear production is to be cost effective. Digital DESMA products help you analyse production, energy and efficiency and also provide information that can facilitate production planning, for example, or help reduce the causes of downtime.
Customers can rely on the DESMA Customer Service Centre (CSC) for long-term and top quality maintenance. The CSC provides field service on the premises, uses intelligent remote control to save time and money, supplies any necessary spare parts, provides team training to suit the company’s requirements and produces samples without interrupting the production process.

DESMA House Fair 2024