Tiemme Forni Varese “Ready to fulfil the requests of customers”

Tiemme Forni Varese presented its latest innovations at Tanning Tech: overhead conveyor chain systems, toggling and dryers are the top of the range

‘The ultimate in leather transport and drying technology’. This is the main slogan, which also appears on the home page of the website, of Tiemme Forni Varese, whose legal office is located in San Miniato (Pisa), near the tanning district of Santa Croce sull’Arno, while the factory is in Ispra, a town on Lake Maggiore, which was among the exhibiting companies at the latest Simac Tanning Tech.
Tiemme Forni Varese was established in 2017 with joint between Tiemme, boasting forty years’ experience in the production of overhead conveyors and dryers, and Forni Varese, specialized for half a century in the construction of machinery for tanneries and other industrial sectors. The equipment of this company is designed according to innovation and quality and is known for its undisputed values, above all robustness, performance, reliability and little maintenance. Tiemme Forni Varese designs, manufactures, markets and provides assistance for all its plants, to guarantee top efficiency and reliability: this is proved by the more than 1,200 machines produced, distributed all over the world. Dating back from 1974, the patented system which revolutionized the toggling methods known since then; thanks to “QUICK” machines, toggling operations have been carried out in continuous and with automatic expansion. Besides, the introduction of high-efficiency drying, allowing leather processing in short times and reduced spaces, has been innovating and followed by other manufacturers. Among the latest innovations, we must point out the automatic loading and unloading devices for overhead chain conveyors. “As a matter of fact, we do not only work in the leather sector,” Sales Manager Valerio Leonardi confirmed during the exhibition, “so operators from various sectors came to our stand. We have always diversified our business, initially we also produced machines for laundries, then abandoned as we could not follow every branch. In terms of turnover, we should end this year in line with 2022. For the next one we are working in various directions, pursuing different projects: the market is asking us mainly for overhead transporters, this is a sector that has been particularly affected by the disruption caused by the pandemic, especially related to the difficulty of moving between continents, but also between countries. The increase in energy and raw material costs has also been heavy in past years, now things are looking up, but the overall situation is not conducive to a recovery of the global economy.”
Positive results for Tanning Tech. “Here in Milan,” concludes Leonardi, “we did not bring any new machines, but we did showcase a series of improvements, especially from a technological point of view, to machines already in production. We were quite satisfied with the performance of this edition, in the end we didn’t welcome so much visitors, but those who came were qualitatively interesting, and that’s the decisive aspect. With a view to 2024, we are pursuing projects in various directions: we are also ready to fulfil any customer requests, based on some ideas that arose at the fair. We are a small company, so as we do not have mass production, we can also carry out customized installations, upgrading existing products with modifications as required.
