A Day With… Italsform

Forty years. So much has happened since that distant 1984 when Italsform Spa was founded, today excellence in the production of soles for footwear. Initially a subcontracting structure, the company has evolved over the years, growing to become a producer of semi-finished products, soles and monoblocks in leather and rubber, and establishing itself as a leading company in the sector with high-quality products that it produces for the big names in High Fashion and Luxury. A leadership that has established itself over time thanks to a founding group composed of technical expertise mixed with the interpersonal skills of its founders; two professionals in the field of semi-finished products for shoe factories, demoulding and related products, experts in every phase of the production process. A motivated team and the widespread atmosphere of cooperation and trust have always characterized a production oriented toward the highest quality: attention to detail and constant control of each stage of the process are trademarks of Italsform products.


Viviana Pirini e Davide Sarpieri

We visited the company and its production department, talking with owners Viviana Pirini and Davide Sarpieri, who shared with us the history of their business and their guidelines.

All Italsform products are designed and created in the factory in the footwear district of San Mauro Pascoli, a few steps away from the Adriatic Sea, an elected place for the highly specialized production chain and a symbol of Italian excellence in the footwear sector. An area renowned for its tradition of craftsmanship and ability to innovate, while maintaining a deep bond with the territory and its history. Therefore, it is not only a production hub, but a true cultural district, where the manual skills of artisans are combined with the most modern technologies in the creation of unique products. The history of the district is dotted with small and large businesses that have contributed to making ‘Made in Italy’ known around the world thanks to their historic know-how, and that embody a mixture of passion for fashion and respect for craftsmanship. A union that takes shape in the production of luxury footwear appreciated worldwide for quality and design, a jewel to discover for shoe lovers and for all those who wish to live an authentic experience in the heart of Italian footwear excellence. It was natural for Italsform to find its most authentic expression and home here.
First of all, a bit of history. How did the company begin?
Davide Sarpieri: “Italsform was created from the ashes of a previous failure. In the beginning, we were four former employees, determined to continue the journey. We started in a modest factory building in Savignano, then moved to our current location. Our activities were focused on contract manufacturing, and we later specialized in one-off manufacturing and applications for accessories and product lines, including sheet metal heels and other specialty items.
Viviana Pirini: “I joined the group shortly after it was founded. Like the others I came from a sole manufacturer, we were full of enthusiasm and eager to create something of our own. In hindsight, I can say that we started with a certain amount of naiveté, but I don’t deny that it was an exciting adventure. We invested everything we had, renting a space and starting from scratch, we had neither the pressure of having to maintain a certain level of production nor anything to lose. In spite of challenges, such as
separations from some partners even more experienced than us, which generated unrest and some rivalry, we always operated with calm. From the beginning we each tried to do what we did best, for example Davide, being the one with the most experience in this field, is in charge of the modeling and the creations come from his mind. Little by little, we created what you see today, a company assisted by 65 employees, with 14 million in sales and productions for the big luxury brands.”
How did your path develop?
Davide Sarpieri: “In the beginning, personal relationships were key. Our most experienced partner, who is unfortunately no longer with us, had close ties in Marche and Veneto, and it was in San Mauro Pascoli that we began to collaborate with many artisans. With time and dedication, we then developed a business network of our own, in a landscape
– the one at that time – characterized by intense human interaction and a lively territory, full of small artisans and businesses, which have now disappeared.”
Viviana Pirini: “In the past, when we interacted with big brands, we had personal contact with the owners. It was normal to invite them to preview our new products before trade shows. The meetings were based on authentic relationships, very different from those of today. We worked hard and steadily. However, today the relationship has transformed; it is less fun and more impersonal, with frequent changes of counterparts and less human connection.”
How is the organization of your business activity set up in the market?
Davide Sarpieri: “Our production is mainly for finished products destined for foreign countries, and these are classic items that are our specialty. This is our core business. However, believing that we are up to such an arduous task and fulfilled by our cooperation, the creative departments are increasingly asking us for innovative and original creations for fashion shows; this demonstrates that the company is able to do much more. For example, in the area of new materials research, we have experimented with several: a kind of bamboo used for bottom covers and bag handles, or, in response to requests for a totally recyclable product at end-of-life, protective ‘layers’ made of recycled plastic that would ensure the same performance in terms of sealing and aesthetic appeal as those normally used in the industry and now being studied.”
Viviana Pirini: “We also want to emphasize the importance we place on trade fair events in order to make ourselves known and attract new design offices. In the past, Paris was an important place to meet brands that did not participate in Italian fairs, while now our main showcase is Lineapelle in Milan, where we receive visits mainly from foreigners. Fashion fairs are crucial for the industry, as they encourage growth, innovation and the promotion of Made in Italy in the world, a brand of which we are proud representatives. Although it should be considered that the current year is particularly difficult for the fashion industry, both nationally and internationally, due to the challenges that began in 2023 that have put the entire industry under great strain.”
Lets speak now about the guidelines that motivate your company. What are the unique features that distinguish you in the market and have made you the important entity you have become?
Davide Sarpieri: “Our organization has several strengths. The constant cultivation of curiosity and creativity, for example, which are not simply abstract concepts for us, but core pillars that support each of our initiatives and projects. We believe that curiosity is the engine of innovation and creativity its fuel; together, these qualities allow us to explore new horizons and imagine solutions that previously seemed unattainable.” Viviana Pirini: “Innovation and technology are the tools with which we intend to build tomorrow. We invest in research and development, adopting the most advanced technologies and constantly trying to push the limits of what is possible. Our vision is of a future in which technology not only solves existing problems, but also opens the way to unexplored possibilities. We create products that were not there before, we explore new materials, designs and technologies to make our creations unique. We are not always successful, but we never stop trying.”
Always with a special consideration for the environment.
Viviana Pirini: “Of course, because we are convinced that an essential link binds green quality and sustainability. That is why we are committed to maintaining environmentally conscious practices at every stage of our business. From material selection-we prioritize natural materials and ecologically treated leather from suppliers with environmental certifications-to our manufacturing processes, we rely on renewable energy generated by our solar panels, we recycle waste to create new products, and we ensure that our packaging is fully recycled and recyclable, from cardboard boxes to bags to adhesive tapes. We are also studying alternatives to achieve a fully recyclable product at the end of life. Important steps toward a greener and more responsible future.
Davide Sarpieri: “Leather, by its very nature, retains a strong eco-sustainable drive in its ethos, arising from the recovery from food industry waste. In the context of the circular economy, the processing of this material follows the principle of upcycling, or the creative reuse of waste materials to create products with added value. This process not only reduces waste and environmental impact, but also helps to create a more efficient and sustainable production cycle in a symbiotic integration between different industries that allows reducing the consumption of virgin raw materials while minimizing the ecological footprint of the production process.”
After all, in recent years, sustainability has become a mainstay of the industry, driven by increasing customer demand for sustainable certifications and production practices, respecting the worker and the environment, and using environmentally friendly and recycled materials. How is your company responding to these demands?
Davide Sarpieri: “Sustainability is for us not only a cultural model derived from demand, but a true ethical belief, which we have formalized through the drafting of a code that employees and owners agree to respect. A code based on principles such as fairness, transparency, respect for the worker, as well as respect for the environment. Italsform has chosen to adopt a Code of Ethics to which the recipients (partners, workers and collaborators) must adhere and in relation to which they are required to direct their actions. A fifteen-page document that is a collection of guidelines, but also a manifesto that reflects the commitment of the company to sustainability, both in environmental terms and in relation to the well-being of workers. It represents a pact of trust and responsibility, and every individual involved is called upon to abide by its principles, directing their actions to reflect the standards of Italsform. A tangible demonstration of how sustainability is intertwined with our corporate DNA, and represents an essential value that guides not only company policies but also our organizational culture.”
Staying on the topic of workers, leather working immediately brings back the idea of craftsmanship; how important is this aspect in your business?
Davide Sarpieri: “For us, craftsmanship is not just a part of the production process. It is something more, the very heart of our identity. Every day the wisdom and experience accumulated over time is manifested through the precise and measured actions of our craftsmen. Their hands, guided by years of dedication and passion for the craft, transform raw leather into superior quality soles for the Luxury market. For us, craftsmanship is more than just a skill; it is a cultural heritage to be preserved and valued. This approach allows us to offer products that are not simply functional, but that tell a story, that of Italian craftsmanship, renowned worldwide for its quality and unmistakable ‘Made in Italy’ style. Every sole that comes out of our company is the result of careful selection of materials, refined techniques and a constant commitment to excellence, and reflects the attention to detail made possible by the extraordinary craftsmanship of our artisans. The people, with their passion and desire to always put themselves out there, are considered the greatest resource of the company.”
This reflects the importance in this context of training skilled workers.
Davide Sarpieri: ”That’s right. We put a lot of emphasis on professional training. We invest time and resources in developing the skills of our employees, because we are convinced that their personal growth is closely linked to the success of the company. Through targeted training programs and continuous learning opportunities, we try to ensure that each team member is not only adequately prepared to meet the challenges of the moment, but also equipped to anticipate and shape future ones.”
Viviana Pirini: “In our production department, the presence of willing young people is a reality: four exceptional young people have joined the team, and their hiring represents a fortune, given the widespread difficulty in finding resourceful personnel today. It is essential to pass on the heritage of craftsmanship knowledge and accumulated experience to preserve these essential skills through an intergenerational dialogue, and in this sense we have never backed down.”
Are you also part of the RE.RU.M.?
Viviana Pirini: “Yes, the Rubicone Moda Network (RE.RU.M.) is a fundamental pillar for the San Mauro Pascoli footwear district. By setting up a collaboration between companies that focus on the future, through the territory and innovation, and by involving about 20 percent of local companies, this initiative stimulates cooperation, innovation and sustainability. Through specific projects, the association contributes to the development of businesses, the enrichment of the territory and the creation of new professional profiles, strengthening the role of San Mauro Pascoli as a center of excellence in the manufacture of luxury footwear. Among the main goals are business ethics, circular economy and traceability of production processes. We meet regularly, maintaining a strong spirit of unity in our activities.”

Production head Enrico Gasperoni and his modern vision

What is your approach to managing the production department and how do you manage to maintain the high quality standards required in the luxury sector?
“In our industry precision and efficiency are key. As head of the production department, I have been lucky enough to work for a long time now in a field that I am passionate about. Together with my brother Alessandro, we try to run the department aiming for excellence in every aspect, but the real key to success is to create a positive and stimulating work environment. I am deeply committed to my employees feeling valued and involved, and this approach has led to a strong sense of belonging and high motivation in the team, which is reflected in the quality produced. It is not just about meeting production goals, but about transforming our space into a place where ideas are born and successes are realized. I see my role as that of a facilitator: I try to provide the right tools and environment for each team member to reach their full potential. After all, the success of our company is not just mine, but all of us. It is the result of teamwork, where everyone brings their own unique contribution. It is also this, I believe, that allows us to maintain the high quality standards that our clients in the luxury world expect from us.”