A day with… SIRETESSILE: a winning story that began in 1978

Siretessile is an industrial group, with headquarters in Cornuda (Treviso), specialized in high quality textile production, capable of providing complete development from raw material to finished product.

Textile production, spinning, weaving, laminating and packaging are the main activities of the Veneto company, which includes more than 300 employees: with 66 export countries, 40 import nations, and its own offices and factories abroad, it now represents a point of reference in textiles for more than 2 thousand companies worldwide. It can be described as a “colossus” of quality and reliability: leadership at international level, and currently the largest entity in Europe in the laminating division.

Siretessile is approaching half a century of history: founded in 1976 by the Baggio family, it supplies technical and coupled fabrics to the most important Italian shoe factories. Since 1978 it has specialized in textile production, which it has gradually expanded and consolidated, with ever-increasing numbers also covering clothing and furnishings. A staggering growth when one considers that the Treviso entrepreneur began his story with six employees, continuing over time to expand and innovate. Divided into four independent business units (yarns, fabrics and laminates, home linens and apparel), today the company exports its products worldwide. The Sire-Tex division, which specializes precisely, in technical fabrics and laminates, has in recent years developed new patents and trademarks in cooperation with its clients. The patents of the company cover fabrics used in the safety, footwear, apparel and furniture sectors.

Modern industrial design, glass, colours, space and brightness: this is the headquarters of Siretessile Group in Cornuda, a recent complex, immersed in the green Asolo hills, where the management offices of the Group are located, side by side with the production units, where Italian tradition and innovation find the right balance. A choice made in the name of continuity, to position the managerial headquarters in Cornuda: it was on these very grounds in the mid- 1970s that the company was established, the heart and soul of this long entrepreneurial adventure, which has succeeded in establishing itself on Italian markets and then on those around the world, to the point of becoming an excellence known throughout the continents. It is from here that the management aims to conquer new goals, with an international vision but at the same time faithful to the origins and traditions of the Veneto land.


“Our great strenght is the team”

Managers of the treviso company explain the successes and steady growth that have enabled it to overcome market challenges. “we have a team made up of professionals who are constantly in dialogue with each other.”

Entrepreneurial success that has one big secret: the strength of the team. A winning team, on average of young age also highly motivated, who are capable and eager to achieve new goals and targets that has allowed us to win the challenges of the market, especially in the last decade. This was confirmed to us during the early summer visit of the Mpa Style staff to the headquarters in Cornuda, the assistant to President Baggio, who together with other management officials explained to us in detail the secrets but also the future plans of the Siretessile Group.
“Stability, reliability and responsibility,” he points out, ”are the three characteristics on which, from the very beginning, we have chosen to build our company. Through a motivated and united team it is possible to continue to ensure growth, not only in terms of turnover but also in terms of quality and competitiveness. The internal exchange of information between the various business units helps us a great deal: our organi- zation provides a continuous interweaving of communications in real time. To use a sports term, we can say that everyone is running their own race, but in the end we are a cohesive team.”
With what strategies were you able to build and shape a winning group?
“Through a plan studied in detail that we have been carrying out for years, but also because of the presence of qualified and experienced management and highly specialized group, capable of fulfilling the most diffi- cult and personalized requests of each client. Professionalism, passion, a sales force directed to customer service and the knowledge that we will never stop learning are the distinguishing marks that characterize us and are part of our history. The Siretessile team is the real strength of the company: meritocracy, continuous training, trust and ample opportunity to grow are the other main keywords.”
Who are the key players in these achievements?
“A team of professionals who work side by side every day, in contact with clients to understand what is nee- ded to create products and innovation. The production cycle is followed with great care to achieve the results required by our stakeholders, seeking the highest levels of quality, testing all fabrics according to the most meticulous regulations. In addition, we are able to offer the client immediate and rapid availability of large quantities of goods, with an organized and efficient logistics that guarantees supplies at all times and in any market conditions.”
Is the human aspect then in the main focus?
“Absolutely. Siretessile is business, enterprise, resources, organization and much more. However, above all it is made up of the hands, eyes, ideas, heart of each of the employees and the great qualities that each one puts into what they do. It is a group of top professionals who work together daily to grow, learn, compare, improve, innovate and, together, work to build future. We like to call ourselves and others recognize us as well, as a fierce group, capable of battling and getting back into the game.”
What are the main principles that characterize your business philosophy?
“Every process is aimed at compliance with the strictest regulations and standards for environmental, ethical and social safeguards. Our venture, even today, is characterized by successes and challenges won, but also by obstacles, fears, sleepless nights and projects to be reshaped. Ultimately, it was the energy, passion, and shared commitment of the many who worked hard that built the company. The numbers speak for us: the laminating division alone produces more than 12 million meters a year of fabrics, with which we serve most of the Italian and European markets, but we also boast an important share in the non- European market. We have specific expertise in the entire footwear sector, especially technical, military, safety and medical footwear.”
What are the other major numbers of the group?
“In addition to the 2,000 client companies that rely on us each year, more than 1 billion people worldwide use one of our products. The most striking figure is the 55 million meters of fabric delivered worldwide each year, which is equivalent to more than four times around the planet. These are the official figures as of 2021; we will close 2024 with a much higher number, since in the last three years we have grown significantly. Some may ask how it is possible to reach these numbers: we have eight production lines located in the two Italian plants, three production plants abroad, offices in China, India, Pakistan, Serbia, Bangladesh, the United States and Spain.”
How about in the commercial sphere?
“We are present in all countries of the world, however, our main market remains Italy, which in terms of sales accounts for 60 percent, while the remaining 40 percent is the export share. In Europe we are present in all countries, but important markets are also the U.S. and South America. The comforting aspect is that we are continuously growing in many countries, even 2024 will end with a positive sign: this allows us to be confident for the future. Our clients are mainly medium-to-large companies and groups that make the finished product, such as footwear, clothing and home furnishings.”
How is Siretessile divided from an industrial point of view?
“Today it consists of related but totally independent and specialized business units. The division into seven compartments allows us to cover the entire production chain, starting from raw material to processing and distribution. In addition to the manufacture of synthetic staple fibre, yarn, woven, laminated and technical fabrics, among others, we also sell finished garments, particu- larly for upholstery and apparel, covering all sectors.”
In the last 12 to 18 months, what is the situation related to con- sumption?
“The market, especially the global market, is always on the move, so entre- preneurial successes are linked to the ability to attack and chase goals and objectives in the global arena, even in individual countries. To counter the general crisis of consumption, which spares no economic sector, we continue to make more and more innovative products to satisfy our clients: we speak with them a lot, we understand their needs and their different requirements. The more communication and collaboration we have with clients the better, preferably through meetings and direct contact. The human approach is indi- spensable, it is the most important part, especially from foreign clients who love Italian creativity and imagination. Once we listen to their needs, we set our research and development team in motion.”
How is this sector structured?
“Research and development are fundamental for high-tech fabrics, which is why we created SireLab, the Research and Development Office, a ‘Laboratory of Ideas and Technologies,’ committed every day to improving and studying new materials and applications that increase comfort, appeal and performan- ce. Making products today, at least in our philosophy, means looking ahead, not stopping, seeking the beautiful, the functional and the new beyond the usual, creating products that are in step with new ways of experiencing the world. Yet there is another prerogative that characterizes us: a large part of our technical fabrics are created to be laminated, such as membranes, which have to be technically sound, durable and high-performance: for this product line, aesthetics are in the background, what counts is quality.”


SIRE-TEX is the brand of the laminating division

On the strength of more than 40 years of experience, Siretessile is a world leader, with the Sire-Tex brand, in the market for fabrics and laminated products used in various sectors, particularly footwear, furniture, apparel, medical-health and others. telling us about these extraordinary success stories is the director of the laminating division of the group, whom we met, along with their key staff, during our visit to Cornuda.

Our high level of specialization, constant investments in production technology and focus on innovation,” the Director confirms, ”allow us to be today the undisputed leader in coupled technical fabrics. In particular, we are proud to be the trusted partners of the most important brands in the world producing footwear, sofas and technical clothing. The mission of the laminating division has always been to be a true partner for the best manufacturers internationally, which is why we work hard every day to meet the demands, always keeping up with the needs of a constantly evolving market.”
When did you become a world leader in laminating?
“The company was founded in the late 1970s, also in a random way: the start was with a machine designed to make cushion padding, but then things did not go well, so it had to be converted to another production, from there the first works of lamination began. Currently we have a high standard especially in footwear, technical and workwear, being able to rely on a wide and diverse line and range of products. Nothing is impossible for us: it is possible to pair different materials to create the right “mix” to meet clients’ needs. The various requests are elaborated and innovations are studied and researched, not only in terms of fabrics but also in terms of components and performance, where possible using responsibly recycled products.”
Is it complicated to lead such a large staff with different tasks?
“Only considering the presence of commercial agents at headquarters and around the world, we are many. I am the manager and carry out coordination work, but the real added value of Siretessile is the strong group, where everyone knows how much they have to do: they are all good and responsible, I trust each one of them, from the first to the last in the same way. One of the main rules, which we teach from the first day of work, is to always communicate with each other, even to point out seemingly marginal aspects. The hallmark of this team is unity, a characteristic that has allowed us to manage significant growth.”
Is management in charge of coordinating all company activity?
“Yes, among other roles is to follow purchasing, sales, marketing operations, personnel selection, ultimately everything related to the management of the laminating department. The same management also has the task of choosing the right timing: in 2019, we participated as an exhibitor in a trade show with an innovative range of recycled materials, ahead of the times but the market was not ready yet. In the last year and a half, some of the clients to whom we had presented those items have come back: we have taken up the sample collection again, which has since become more relevant and so we are sure will attract more interest. The generalized impression is that the need for the sustainable product will become stronger and stronger in the various fashion sectors.”
Can we list your outstanding products?
“We are at the forefront with Sire-Tex brand waterproof and breathable membranes, designed to make different types of footwear and garments. As part of the same collection, we provide thermoadhesive tapes to “tape” the seams and make the product perfectly waterproof and breathable.”
More and more companies are responsibly demanding products that are traceable …
“In this area, too, we can say that we are ahead of others, as it is a procedure that we have carried out over time, so it turns out to be largely proven. Now even incoming components are fully traceable, with the various raw material batches being combined during the production stages. This allows us to customize, even in the smallest details, what is asked of us by clients, as there is great synergy not only with staff but also with suppliers. Once the process is final, we proceed inside our workshops as far as the mechanical part is concerned.”
To be able to operate in domestic and international markets do you sometimes need special certifications?
“At Siretessile there is a strict attention to rules, they are fundamental principles that guide our doing from the earliest stages and lead us to make responsible, sometimes challenging decisions aimed at maximum safety and well- being for our workers.
For the most demanding clientele, we carry out the most scrupulous tests for obtaining certifications and no compromises toward achieving the highest achievable standards. We have always invested with commitment and continuity in technological research and development and have long since obtained many of the most prestigious certifications such as Grs and Iso.”
How are you structured in terms of personnel also at the international level?
“For a well-defined business strategy we mainly use in-house salespeople, both in Italy and abroad, under the control of the central management, who collaborate with regular meetings where we can all share views together. An important aspect is continuous communication, which makes it possible to solve any kind of problem in the immediate future or simply tackle a new path. Almost all projects require long and articulated timelines, the goal we set each time is to make sure that the timelines are as fast as possible.”
What will the communication plans be next year?
“We want to increase our attendance at trade fairs, participating as exhibitors in the February 2025 edition of Lineapelle, to meet our main clients, who will certainly come to the Milan fair, but also to launch a new and interesting project of which we cannot reveal anything, but the intention is to present it on that occasion. Another new development, which in fact will already characterize the second half of this year, is a quite revolutionary website, the construction of which has been carried out for a year by three people, also with the help of an external agency. The goal is to be able to send important messages, through new technologies and the world of social media. To give a concrete example, the Coupling Division offers so many things that people coming to our old site did not fully experience them, as there were many niche areas. That is why we have proceeded with a more user-friendly portal, which can make it easier for those who do a Google search for laminating to get to us right away.”


Journey into the heart of SireLab

The team in charge of the research and development office, consisting of an innovative “ideas andtechnology laboratory, ”explains the strategies that ensure the production of high-quality products

For Siretessile Group, a strategic and fundamental position is represented by SireLab, the Research and Development Office, consisting of an innovative and futuristic “Laboratory of Ideas and Technologies,” whose main mission is the study of new materials and applications capable of ensuring comfort, pleasure and performance.
“ Within this sector,” explain the Research & Development managers, who make up a close-knit and proven team, “the main strength is the membrane, in this regard Siretessile was among the first industries ever to launch this type of product. The predominant aspects for the membrane are waterproofing, breathability and durability, three factors that represent added value. The end result is the high performance and specific characteristics that the client asks for, with whom we love to deal directly, even possibly to find novel solutions and be able to guarantee the best result. Our core strength is the lamination, in the laboratory we define even the smallest details.”
What features are most appreciated by clients?
“Our strong point is service, in terms of the same product we are objectively ahead of everyone, being able to give quick response times, as well as the possibility of proposing different and unprecedented couplings. We are a historical company, undoubtedly experience always helps, we have gone through thousands of problems and requests over many years, and SireLab is the right context where we can improve what is needed.”
What are your main strategies?
“We work a lot on specifications, focusing on what is requested by the client. Lately there is a strong demand for PFCs Free products, which is a well- tested system for us. On the market this product is considered an innovation, we have been bringing it forward for some time, with very high standards of results in some ways we can say we are forerunners. We have a wide range of membranes, and recently included a recycled and an antistatic polyester product. The safety footwear we produce is guaranteed by the 20344 and 20345 certifications, which are the most up-to-date.”
What goals is your work aimed towards?
“We have a membranes’ collection that have long given us satisfaction and represent the ‘must-haves’ required by major industries, groups and luxury brands. Being so focused on membranes, represents a very solid background in the market. Regarding membranes with PTFE, we have also carried out careful analysis, improving our membrane more and more in terms of breathability and creating specific products for greater impermeability, such as the so-called “water column”: once footwear was in the range of two to ten meters, in some cases these figures have more than quadrupled, so much so that they reach 50 meters. We are often faced with these specifications, which are the target to be achieved.”
What other certifications has Siretessile obtained?
“Internationally, the Oeko Tex and GRS (Global Recycled Standard), suitable for certifying products such as polyesters, fabrics, recycled membranes and bio- based. The use of recycled materials for clothing is easier, for footwear it is more complicated, as we have to consider the presence of soles, laces and other components, which do not facilitate the recycling route.”
With regard to sustainability: what were the main goals achieved?
“Regarding the membrane, definitely recycled polyester, which contrary to what you might think does not lose efficiency at all in terms of breathability, if anything, you lose something in terms of mechanical function. When paired with a more supportive fabric, this characteristic becomes compensated for as well.
There are also very good results on the various types of anti-static, especially with regard to safety, but also anti-bacterial. Regarding conductive material, both in footwear and clothing, we use membranes and special fabrics. We have passed the testing stage, and are already operational, in the sense that we have some products in production and others that we are trying to put in place.
Depending on the final type of garment or footwear, it opens up the whole world of compliance: in the end, the finished product has to obey these regulations, which of course are intertwined.”