A Day With…Wealth

On the haute couture scene, wealth stands out as a leading supplier of small metal parts and accessories for the footwear, clothing and leather goods industries. with a solid base of experience and a far-sighted strategy, the company continues to grow on the foundations of innovation, quality, speed and sustainability. at the headquarters of wealth in desio, we meet the top figures of the company, who tell us about themselves and explain the dynamics of this fascinating family and business story.


Andrea Patria - Wealth

How was the company founded?
“After experience gained at a leading manufacturer of small parts for bags, shoes and fashion accessories, and a previous commercial company together with three partners, father Sergio founded Wealth in 1994. From its roots, it was dedicated to the production of metal components that combined design, quality and precision.
In the beginning, our focus was mainly on the technical sector, and included paper, lighting, automotive and electronics. As technology advanced, regulations became increasingly stringent, both in the electrical and automotive fields, and this prompted us to evolve from simple distributors to certified manufacturers.
It was therefore, also driven by market demand, that in 2005 we embraced a new vision, turning our attention to the fashion world. A strategic change that led us to become a reference point for studs, buttons, rivets and rhinestones, all those elements that today adorn leather goods, shoes and luxury belts.
Collaborating with the big names in fashion has enabled us to establish ourselves as a synonym for beauty and safety, offering products that meet the most varied market requirements, always alert and receptive to the latest trends. We still continue with technical articles, but production constitutes only ten percent of our output, serving more of our loyal, long-standing clients.”
The fashion industry is by definition one of the most demanding; how did you cope with entering such a competitive and selective environment?
“It was actually kind of a stroke of luck. We were working with a leather goods company and initially dealt with very limited volumes. What drove us, however, was always the philosophy of maximum availability, and readiness of the warehouse. Then this client, who at the time was not considered to be of great importance in terms of turnover or order volume, asked us for a quote for a particular project, which turned out to be one of the first significant requests for large-scale studding. Our proposal included a significant cost reduction and better quality than their original quotation, and this began a new phase. We optimised equipment, made samples and started a collaboration that led to the formation of a structure of excellence in the sector. This synergy has allowed us to develop new technologies and moulding techniques, always aiming at the quality and perfection required by prestigious brands. Now we no longer limit ourselves to simple trading, but dedicate ourselves to the study, development and complete production of the article, from start to finish. While meeting the required standards, we constantly strive to distinguish ourselves with a unique and creative touch.”
What are your strengths?
“Our success comes from a winning combination: the experience we have gained in the technical sector and the speed, promptness in responding to requests, both in terms of immediacy and meeting deadlines, and in terms of customisation and quality control. Factors that combine to guarantee the standard of excellence for each article.
Our style and technical department also works in close collaboration with clients, ensuring that every detail is taken care of and that each product is not just an accessory, but a true symbol of style and innovation, customised to the needs of the client and a symbol of uniqueness. We have invested heavily in quality control technology, with the purchase, for example, of a sophisticated inspection and sorting machine that scrutinises every single item with maximum precision – a task that, given the volumes we work with, would be impractical if done manually.
With far-sighted vision and great commitment, we have established our reputation as a reliable, high-quality supplier, and this is certainly something that distinguishes and rewards us.”


Wealth - Desio

Aerial view of the Wealth factory. Located in Desio, in the Milan area, the company is renowned for the speed of order fulfilment or customized request, always respecting the highest quality standards, the main European conformity and safety regulations, and the single specifications of clients

For years a partner of prestigious haute couture brands and the most exclusive companies, Wealth specialises in supplying top-quality components that embody the timeless appeal of jewellery and exalt the excellence of craftsmanship, developed by a qualified style office that is constantly engaged in researching and creating new proposals in step with the latest trends.


Chiara Patria - Wealth

“I have a degree in Optometry, but I realised early on that that field was not for me. My choice came rather unexpectedly. During a presentation day at the Faculty of Psychology, they had also organised presentations of other scientific subjects. Having seen the one on Optica Optometry, I changed course and enrolled in this faculty. After two pleasant years, however, I realised that it was not my direction. I started a career path, but the job opportunities inherent in those studies were mainly limited to shops and I wanted something more challenging. Here at Wealth, our parents were clear from the start: “Join the company whenever you want, as long as you have a degree in hand, whatever your field of study is”. So, I finished my studies and as soon as I got my degree I decided to try the fashion route, starting with a trial period that proved very promising. I started from the bottom, doing every menial job I was assigned, until I gradually got into supplier management.
My story shows that even the most unexpected choices can lead to satisfying results, if approached with determination and adaptability.”
This is precisely the spirit that has animated Wealth since its inception.
“Exactly. In addition to the historical and strategic changes that my brother Andrea recounted, there is also the adaptability factor that distinguishes us in our daily choices, a quality that is appreciated by our clients. We are a medium-sized and dynamic company, we currently have only fourteen employees, we use several suppliers that are considered excellent, and our small size gives us unique advantages. We don’t have the production costs of large companies, and we don’t have to worry about turning machines on or off because there is so little work to do. Being a small company allows us to be flexible and adapt quickly to market needs. We can move towards what is most in demand at the moment, be very quick in delivering and solving any problems, which large companies often do not do except at the cost of great difficulty. In larger companies, then, the roles are very defined, immobile, and each of us there would be confined to a specific area; here, on the other hand, we can tackle a wide range of tasks, adapting to the needs of the moment, and every day is a new and exciting challenge.”
You mentioned promptness in responding to client requests. How do you manage them?
“With our smaller clients, we take a proactive approach. Those who provide us with an ongoing request or guarantee continuity throughout the year allow us to anticipate their needs. Consequently, we always keep a quantity in stock so that we are ready to fulfil their orders without delay. This way, when we receive the official order, we already have everything we need on hand: the raw material or the finished product, ready to be packaged and shipped.
Of course, we cannot apply this strategy to all clients and articles, otherwise our warehouse would always be full and unmanageable. We focus mainly on clients who place frequent orders throughout the year, anticipating their requests and keeping a certain amount of goods available so that, in quiet times, we can manage orders, ensuring timely dispatch at the right time.
For occasional clients, on the other hand, we rely on our large stock of standard items in the warehouse. This allows us to be extremely responsive: within two or three days we can prepare the goods, galvanise them and make them ready for dispatch. If the required item is more specialised, we focus on the production of quick samples, using CNC-controlled machines to meet client demands quickly. For this I would like to thank our employees who support these operations, enabling us to maintain high standards of service and meet the needs of our clients efficiently.”
Then there are also those clients who are not clear in their minds on what they want.
“Of course, it also depends on the client. There is the big client who has his own style department and highly sophisticated technical department, and usually very clear ideas, in which case it is a matter of replicating a sample they have already prototyped. Then there is the client who brings a vague idea and we have to understand exactly what he wants and present him with the best solutions. In this case there is a direct collaboration with the technical department to fine-tune the article.
As far as the response to these requests is concerned, we rely heavily on our sales team, which already does a job in advance. They visit the client and try to clarify a whole series of aspects. For us, for example, it is crucial to understand what the client wants to create, where they want to apply it, the quantities and the timing. We try to obtain all data in advance, in order to accompany the client on a path that is as effective as possible.
We start by making a technical drawing that is approved by the client, and then we create the sample; there may be minor modifications later on, such as adjusting the length of the leg or perhaps changing the back but by working with machining centers we are able to supply the brass sample, release the order and then, in the case of production, we can create the mould and we can choose the material that best meets the customer’s needs.”
Over the past year, despite the crisis that has hit various markets slowing down sales, your company has continued to have positive months. What has your strategy been?
“Our priority has been to honour our commitments to clients, avoiding causing them inconvenience and delivering samples as quickly as possible. As a rule, if requests are feasible within the agreed deadlines, we proceed; otherwise we are transparent in communicating our limitations.
It must also be taken into account that the fashion scene has undergone significant changes in recent times and fashion shows, once regular and well-defined events, now vary considerably from one brand to another, each managing their own sample collections according to their own logic. This has allowed us to balance periods of less activity with urgent requests from other brands that are in the sample or production phase: where there is a decrease in work on one side, we manage to compensate with opportunities on the other. Despite the difficulties encountered over the past year, therefore, our activity has not stopped. Some brands, then, have chosen to invest significantly in small parts, distinguishing themselves from the general trend in the sector, and this move has allowed us to maintain a constant workflow and to sustain the operations of the company in a critical period.”



Massimiliano Farina

“I have been working at Wealth as a salesman for 13 years. Before this role, I gained experience working in a multinational company specialising in the supply of galvanic products. I worked in a chemical laboratory providing services to the clients of Italian galvanic companies, with a specific focus on the fashion, protection and automotive sectors. Over time I developed a particular interest in the commercial side, becoming a technical expert in chemistry with the ability to interface with the outside world, especially from a client perspective.
Since moving to Wealth I am often referred to as an ‘atypical salesperson’, because thanks to my work background my skills also extend into the technical field.
My current work is mainly oriented towards the relationship with design offices, where the emphasis is more on the aesthetics of the products rather than on their technical and functional specificities. However, as it is convenient for the company to have a single contact person who deals with both technical and commercial aspects, I also often find myself working with product and production managers. On these occasions, I can bring my skills into play to optimise the final result and ensure a better synergy between the different stages of the production process and, as Chiara said, I try to anticipate all the client requests in advance.”
How do you manage relationships with your suppliers?
“This is something that makes me feel strongly connected to the organisation I represent: our tendency is to maintain a lasting relationship with suppliers rather than constantly trying to reduce costs or anything else. It is a soft approach, which allows us to create a partnership path with the supplier little by little, which can last even years. I believe that only with long-lasting relationships with people and companies is it possible to achieve a common goal. Our tendency is always to rely on lifelong suppliers and we only change if the goal cannot be achieved, either because they do not have the right machinery or because of other technical aspects. We have a 20-year collaboration with seven or eight strategic suppliers, and in addition, we use other minor suppliers for specific needs, located between Veneto, Tuscany and the Bergamo area.
As far as electroplating is concerned, we have established solid partnerships. Ours is not simply a client-supplier relationship; we look for companies that can assure us impeccable service and professionalism because our business depends on the quality of the products we receive and the galvanising process. As a result, we have chosen to rely mainly on two or three galvanic companies for standardised accessories and another couple for more refined and customised work. We trust them but they also trust
us. They know how we work and how we deal with clients, what kind of research we do, what investments we can make together. All aimed at creating a product capable of reconciling the aesthetic necessity – very important since we work with design offices of fashion brands – the functional one, and the environmental one. It means achieving the goal as one team, even though we are different companies.”
The environmental objective is therefore also a spur towards continuous improvement. How do you promote this?
“In several ways. First of all is the use of photovoltaic panels that allow us to achieve almost complete energy autonomy: last year we reached 98% renewable energy. Then with the increasing use of stainless steel to replace more polluting metals (see box). Some brands are promoting the use of sustainable alternatives to traditional raw materials, capable of maintaining quality aesthetics but reducing the impact of electroplating processes, which consume electricity and generate liquid and solid waste to be disposed of, while complying with environmental regulations. Consequently, we are exploring solutions to replace heavy metals. In the last eighteen months, for example, we have introduced products made of stainless steel 116, which eliminates the need for galvanic treatment. As for brass, it is still among the best-selling materials: although it contains lead for industrial workability, we prefer to use brass containing less than 40 ppm of lead when possible. We continue to work to reconcile high quality with environmental sustainability.”


Appreciated for its corrosion resistance, durability and ability to retain its original appearance over time, stainless steel is a highly sustainable material, 100% recyclable, and reusable without losing its properties. It has a natural resistance to rust, and because it does not oxidise, it does not require chemical treatments or protective paints to preserve its integrity. It is a popular material because of the range of advantages it offers, and because it is an environmentally friendly choice for the production of durable objects.
Working with stainless steel, however, is not without its difficulties. Its processing requires specialised equipment and expertise, and not all suppliers possess them; this can result in longer production times or additional costs. Wealth manufactures articles in steel, different from the more commonly used grade 316, enriched with iron to make it softer, suitable for many uses, from automotive small parts to jewellery. Machining is done by CNC or turning, and guarantees precision and quality.

Wealth’s high-efficiency photovoltaic panels


Ramona Farris

“My career started with economics studies, followed by work experience in trade fairs and congresses, and then in banking, where I worked for a year. Thanks to an encounter with a long- standing bank client, I had the opportunity to join Wealth, which was looking for administrative staff. At the beginning, in 2012, the small parts sector was completely unknown to me, but it soon turned out to be a fascinating universe. As a clerk in charge of orders and invoices, my passion grew, also stimulated by a discussion with owner Sergio Patria, who prompted me to reflect on my professional future: to remain in the ordinary or to aspire to something more? I preferred to invest in myself and now here I am. Also in conjunction with the rapid development of the company, which led us to move from Cusano to Desio, I evolved my approach to work: no longer focused exclusively on my own tasks, but aligned to the objectives of the company, with a broader and longer-term outlook. In other words, I began to share a common vision with the company, which has enriched me professionally and personally over these twelve years, and will continue to do so. The skills I have acquired as I have integrated have proved invaluable in contributing to a broader project, in constant dialogue with the owners. At Wealth, in fact, the philosophy is not to crystallise roles, but to foster the personal and professional growth of each one, allowing everyone to follow their own path. Now, at the head of a team, I coordinate the back office and the purchasing office together with Chiara, managing the most important clients and guiding the new colleagues, who, although without previous experience in the sector, are integrating into our dynamic working environment.”
A harmonious amalgamation of generations, bringing together experience on one hand and fresh, innovative energy on the other.
“Exactly. Three generations currently co-exist in Wealth. The first is that of the founders, the most experienced and enduring. Then comes the generation to which I, Chiara, Andrea and Massimiliano belong, born between 1987 and 1990, and finally, the new generation. These young people bring freshness, enthusiasm, innovative ideas and a more carefree approach, contributing positively to the evolution of the company.
When the need to integrate new personnel arises, then, our company turns to young people, even those with no previous experience in the sector, with the aim of training new resources and moulding them to the needs of the company. They are energetic young people who are eager to learn. We strive to create a serene working environment for them – there is also a modern, well-equipped gym and a relaxation area for employees, to promote an active and healthy lifestyle – so that the best conditions for learning, growth and productivity are stimulated.”
Among other things, you are following the procedures for obtaining Iso certifications. Do clients ask you for them or is it your own choice?
“Certifications are not imposed by brands, but it is implicitly suggested that it is advantageous to have them. We will have ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications by the end of the year. The first is related to manufacturing, and helps to improve the efficiency and quality of products and services, the second is about the environmental impact of companies. We are in the midst of very complicated processes, which require many audits and the adoption of new practices in our production chain. All of which we can then recommend to our suppliers.
In fact, we have opted to work with suppliers who, through guidelines and certifications, demonstrate the quality and compliance of their processes through regular audits. Our clients make sure that the entire supply chain adheres to current regulations at the time of delivery, and it is crucial for us to select partners who are attentive to these issues. For example, metal waste, once treated to remove harmful substances, is now entrusted to specialised companies for proper disposal. After all, although it is not obligatory, initiating these processes for certification makes the company’s procedures for improving alignment and productivity more evident, and this can only benefit both the quality of the product itself and the environmental impact of its processing.”
As a company, you have been thoroughly focusing for years on reducing waste, from energy consumption, to the use of non- polluting raw materials, to the recycling of packaging materials.
“Environmental sustainability is a fundamental pillar of our company philosophy. Our articles are mainly made of metal, processing waste is fully recycled and reintroduced into circulation countless times. In addition to the photovoltaic energy production already mentioned by Massimiliano, we engage in many other small measures. For example, we recycle the blisters in which we supply the small parts to prevent contact damage; we have established a virtuous cycle of reuse with some clients whereby they return the blisters to us and we reuse them. Another example is the initiative we have promoted concerning the use of water bottles. To combat the excessive use of plastic bottles, we have equipped each employee with a metal water bottle and provided a water purifier, allowing everyone to choose water according to their preferences, whether it is sparkling, hot or cold. A small but significant step towards reducing the use of plastic. These may seem like modest steps, but taken together they contribute to a big reduction in waste and plastic production, in line with our commitment to a cleaner environment. Small actions that can make a difference.”
