Fainplast, sustainability: making the difference is feasible

Fainplast tackles the delicate issue of climate change by launching a new line of compounds with reduced environmental impact on the market that exploits the potential of algae

The environmental impact of leather production is now known to all and extends to the entire long and sometimes complex supply chain. Reducing carbon emissions can improve air quality and save lives, as well as having a lower environmental impact. Europe is currently in the center of the transformation to become more climate-friendly as it seeks to take the lead in decarbonisation globally. Global targets and public incentives are important, but so are the actions taken by companies in tackling the problem. Fainplast, an avant-garde company in the plastics sector, promotes this change by making use of human skills, enhanced entrepreneurial vision, tireless technological research and great capacity for innovation. The collaboration between the Marche-based (Italian region) company and Bloom, a producer of sustainable materials for the footwear industry based mainly on algae, thus eliminating petroleum, originated on this basis. We talk about it with Vladimiro Fratini, Commercial Director, and Giovanni Tilli, Evatech Sales.
We are living in a difficult economic moment. How is Fainplast facing this challenge?
“Let’s say that we never complain because we are always very optimistic, despite the economic situation which, as they say in economics, is not particularly brilliant. Clearly too we are so busy coping with rising energy costs which have skyrocketed. We still see the glass as half full, not half empty. Unfortunately next year will be much more difficult, even if last year wasn’t much better. Furthermore, we have to face the problem related to the availability of raw materials. We have gone from over-demand to under- demand with over-supply. So we find ourselves competing in a generally more complicated market situation”.
What actions have you taken to deal with this increasingly exacerbating competitiveness?
“Historically we have always gotten away with it, so we will continue to compete on the market with good will and our technical and commercial skills. It has always been very difficult for us; last year it was also guaranteeing our customers punctual service due to the limited availability of materials. Therefore we have focused on the research and development of new products and solutions, continuing our path of renewal. For our company, research, new technologies and innovation are founding and basic elements in order to be able to maintain and even increase our competitive capacity and productivity, and cope with the new needs of the sector”.
Which new products did you present at Lineapelle with?
“In the last fair we presented ourselves with new sustainable compounds. Research and development have committed us a lot because we were looking for concrete solutions, even measurable ones, that could be presented as products with low environmental impact: in short, something that really had a positive effect. We have identified a very interesting partnership with the American Bloom, which has allowed us to develop a series of products that contain seaweed. Microalgae to be exact. Naturally it was necessary to carry out an in-depth study on how to use them, but the results have been very satisfactory. Therefore, thanks to the use of these biomaterials and the natural plasticity of the algae, we have developed a new line which maintains the main characteristics of the EVAtech compounds, while preserving environmental resources and reducing emissions from the footwear industry”.
What are the benefits of using seaweed?
“Algae captures and converts carbon dioxide naturally. Through its collection, Bloom stores harmful algae, cleans the water and restores the environment. Finally we have a concrete example of how to calculate the benefits of our work on the environment, in terms of water that has been purified, air that has not been further polluted, and that specific quantity of algae that has been removed from a decaying process that would certainly happen. The challenge for us was to use them without modifying the physical and chemical characteristics of the compound. And we succeeded.”
How did you achieve the goal?
“First of all, we found the right partner and then we invested heavily in research. Fainplast is a company that historically invests a lot. We have the machinery, there are three laboratories inside our factory, we develop specific equipment and we are driven by a strong motivation. It is crucial to mention that we are also certified for this. This enhances the commitment of companies like ours towards increasingly sustainable supply chains. Environmental protection must come first”.
What reactions have you had from the market with respect to this new type of product?
“The interest is in general. Everyone talks about the environment and wants to do something to protect it. We all need it, both for reasons related to our survival and also for marketing and business growth. The orientation of the sector is not yet well defined but we believe in it and will continue to invest. We are very optimistic and already this year we will start with two new productions”.
The effort you are making in this direction is commendable. However, working on sustainability is not easy. A full and aware culture is still missing. Do you think this approach will soon become the norm?
“As linked to biocompatible material, i.e. coming from biological products, there is a limit in the problem due precisely to the availability of the latter. For some bio -derived products, there is a strong risk of removing them from human consumption. There is a great deal of debate going on this issue. Many more years will have to pass”.
Let’s go back to the problem of the availability of raw materials…
“Yes, resources are limited. It will take time before a stable equilibrium is reached. A bit like what happened with energy from renewable sources. We have to wait. The market has yet to find the right path and consolidate the direction towards environmental sustainability. We at FAINPLAST want to be ready for all the options that will be laid on the table”.
You are extremely versatile on this topic. I can imagine customers will recognize that?
“We just do not make granule for footwear. Our plant is state-of-the-art and is equipped with 23 granulation lines that allow us to produce compounds for different types of applications, such as construction or medical. Ours is a large industry with an artisan vocation, in the good sense of the term. Craftsmanship remains a fundamental theme for us and for our customers that has complied in being able to satisfy customer requests, guarantee an impeccable service and also leave some room for creativity, which is very important for this sector”.
Which sector gives you more satisfaction than the others?
“At a company level, the footwear sector gives us a lot of satisfaction. But it’s not the only one: right now, to give you an example, the cable sector is experiencing exponential growth, specifically the coating of cables for solar panels. We are witnessing a sensational boom for which, at the moment, we are unable to comply with the demand. We are in a very critical phase linked to the indiscriminate increase in prices. We too are confidently awaiting the return to normal.


Vladimiro Fratini, Commercial Director
