Gamar Italia, Quick-Off expands the range

The lace-locking eyelet as patented by Gamar Italia offers new effective solutions that create added value for technical shoes and more

It gives added value to fashion footwear and is a smart solution to optimize the guarantee of tightness of the lace-up fastening in sports and safety shoes. The lace lock eyelet Quick-Off, is the result of Gamar Italia research, returns to Lineapelle in new variants that increases both in functionality and performance. It is a 100% Italy production, introduced to the market in 2022, patented with attention to every little detail, Quick-Off offers an alternative and improved configuration compared to traditional locking devices as it adds a slot of choke in which to drag the string to get its immediate lock. Once pulled into the bottleneck, the lace remains stationary in the given setting, without any loss of tension, so as to facilitate the execution of the last closing knot according to the natural biomechanical movement of the hand. It is more resistant, compact and lighter than the classic U-hooks, the innovative accessory can be mounted completely flush or just above the upper (upper stripe of leather of the shoes) in order to obtain very clean and minimal models. Furthermore, as being free of protrusions, it offers greater guarantees against the risk of breakage or hooking to obstacles. “We are riding with the customers’ enthusiasm – says Riccardo Penaca, Technical Office Manager – by customizing the product in countless versions according to aesthetic, functionality, sealing and sustainability needs. This year we have proposed, among others, a model with a trapezoidal shape in the smooth or serrated variants specifically designed for high-performance technical footwear: the new design increases the guarantee of tightness of the lace, speeding up and further improving the lacing operation end of string”. Even the “invisible” version is able to stand out: “The eyelet no longer emerges from the upper, but remains between it and the inner lining, revealing only the buttonhole from which the lace emerges”. In its simple aspects, nonetheless, is capable of making the difference if the Quick-off solution is used on technical shoes where ergonomics, the guarantee of tightness and weight are factors of primary importance.


The lace lock Brass notched Quick -Off

The lace lock Quick-Off in serrated nylon