Gemata, a positive balance for the Tanning Tech show

Gianni Maitan, GEMATA: “We worked beyond expectations and whoever came to our stand had clear ideas”

GEMATA, based in Trissino (Vicenza province), registered a very positive result at the Tanning Tech Show, where the company usually sets up a large and impressive stand. “This exhibition went well above expectations – confirms Gianni Maitan, whom we met during the fair – at least compared to the forecasts. During the three-day show we saw more bustle than expected. In addition to the Italian customers, whom we reviewed and greeted after more than a year and a half, many foreign operators and even some groups, coming from all over the world, especially from Brazil and North Africa, came to our stand. However, compared to the past, in this edition those who attended had with very clear ideas and a very specific purpose: they didn’t come just to “take a look”. This happened because travel limitations linked to the pandemic allowed only really interested professionals to come to Milan. Therefore, they all had real intention of purchasing or getting information on a specific machine, often asking for a cost estimate. For the leather sector, however, it was necessary to be there, just to give a relaunch signal, starting from what we left off in February 2020.”
“We all hope that in 2022 – adds Maitan – the long-awaited economic recovery, which will necessarily be conditioned by a consumption increase, will finally take place. We are confident and sure of the work we carried out, also because in these two years, we kept on growing. It seems a paradox, but in the spring of last year, at the peak of the lockdown, our technicians collected overtime hours, because they were intensively engaged in R&D activities. This period allowed us to create new products to be launched on the market and to make important changes to our facilities.”
In the stand set up at the Tanning Tech Show, the company has given room to a wide sample of leathers, most of them finished with Greenfinish systems, in partnership with the major chemical producers. A virtuous example of co-branding that enhances the value of collaboration and mutual support. Through the leathers, Gemata talked about its roller machines, splitting machines and release paper finishing systems, which embody the top of the range.. “The latest ones – concludes Maitan – have been upgraded with important changes and they have been highly praised by the audience: in Italy we have already sold six.”