Italsform, utmost comfort and quality

Italsform, a manufacturer of semi-finished products, rubber and leather soles, monoblocs and much more for medium-high range shoe factories, has always focused on stylistic research, innovative materials and impeccable production quality. The Romagna-based company, that attends every edition of Lineapelle displaying new season samples, was founded in 1984 and ever since intercepts and anticipates market needs, always offering new solutions, inimitable in terms of design, color choices and finishes. For this season Italsform is focusing on two of the most requested characteristics in the footwear market today: lightness and flexibility. As a matter of fact, despite the bold, gritty look, this new collection hides a spirit of comfort, guaranteed precisely by the lightweight and foldability of the top-quality materials. Over the years, the combination of competence and reliability with a well—structured corporate organization has represented the element that has made Italsform stand out from the competition and which has guaranteed its exponential success over the years.