Sollini Gino, GRS certification

At the latest edition of Lineapelle, Sollini Gino debuted in its new role as sole, certified partner for all the footwear sector’s demands

It all comes down to vision, to the ability to grasp trends, to open up to oncoming innovation. Sollini Gino, firm specialized in the distribution of products and integrated solutions for the footwear industry, attended the latest edition of Lineapelle, relying on its role as a reference partner, able to identify and meet the customers’ requirements in compliance with the context and market conditions. “Today, we notice that more qualified, motivated professionals take part in the fair,” stated the company’s owner, Icli Sollini, “entirely focused on a single goal, shared by the whole sector, that is, sustainability, environmental sustainability, recycling. Ours is a GRS-certified (Global Recycle Standard) enterprise. Therefore, we can source and provide green components for the making of eco-friendly articles, while ensuring their origin and supply chain. This decision has been resulting in an increase in costs for the firm and, subsequently, in a rise in prices for customers; however, the clientele’s price-related objections are counterbalanced by the quality of the products and services we provide, able to guarantee a full support tailored to individual needs. Right now, the main concern lies not so much in price increases, but rather in difficulties concerning materials supply. The current widespread lack of raw materials has taught us that it is essential to diversify provision sources, thus avoiding dependence on non-EU countries.”
Thanks also to the support of state-of-the-art technologies (automated storage, logistic operations featuring barcodes, just to mention a few), the customers turning to the company headquartered in Monte Urano, are aware that they can get, just in time, a comprehensive supply of complementary products, thus helping them carry out their activities faster and more efficiently. “What we deem truly interesting,” explained Icli Sollini, “is the fact that, in this sustainability-driven mission, the key role of “gatherer” is strengthened: turning to separate suppliers, asking each one of them the certification of the single components, is one thing, while relying on a sole partner able to sum up the whole serviced in one certificate is another matter entirely. The latter is a strategy that, when all is said and done, results in a marked time and costs optimization for the customer.”


Icli Sollini at the latest edition of Lineapelle