Spraying on fish? With AIRCOM® you can

In the world of tannery, the finishing represents an important stage in leather processing, which allows the leather to be colored and polished, or to provide particular effects.

Since its foundation, AIRCOM® has designed and produced solutions for the tannery world and still continues to study innovative automatic spray guns with ever more performing technologies: attention to the customer is crucial, and AIRCOM® can become a partner to collaborate with and to rely on for problem solving. In more than 50-years of history of the company, spray guns have sprayed pigments on leathers of bovine, sheep and goat origin, on exotic leathers and on eco-leather, allowing the creation of objects that have become iconic over time: but what happens when the same guns are used for finishing on fish skin?
Spraying on fish skin allows the use of a product, normally considered waste in the fishing industry, which can be used for the production of fashion accessories, shoes and decorative elements. AIRCOM® recently had the opportunity to collaborate with an Icelandic company, Nordic Fish Leather, which deals with the finishing of salmon and cod skins: the use of fish skin represents a very ancient Icelandic tradition which dates back to the Viking settlement of the island in the 9th century, when settlers used it for the production of everyday objects. At the end of the 20th century, modern tanning techniques were introduced to make fish skin usable for multiple applications. The success for this type of manufacturing was immediate and today the fish leather produced by Nordic Fish Leather is used for a wide variety of products, such as shoes, belts, bags and accessories. In the company, the transparent finish and the use of colored pigments on the fish skin was achieved using a set of DA spray guns, historical AIRCOM® model, mounted on a rotating carousel: to ensure an improvement in the production line and easier use of the plant, the company has now decided to adopt the LR spray gun as its new atomizer model, designed to be extremely versatile and adaptable. The new atomizers proved to be the most efficient choice to meet the company’s needs, as they helped “achieve a better and more uniform finish to the fish skin” and are “more stable and easier to control in regards to the spraying”, as shared with us by the CEO of Nordic Fish Leather. This is what happens when leather finishing guns are used for spraying on fish skin: new applications, painting techniques and companies are discovered, with which partnerships and collaborations are born with the aim of finding solutions for any need.
